Aurum design 

Inspired by nature, with its delicate, irregular shapes, Aurum jewellery is characterised by rich details and a sense of movement, finesse and balance. Each unique collection bears the name of an Icelandic woman.

Simultaneously light, feminine and intricate, the three dimensional designs evoke natural patterns resulting in pieces that are both modern and timeless.

Jewellery is seen as an expression of our character, it is a way to represent who we are and what is close to us. Jewellery allows us to become an individual; this may be through our birthstone, somewhere we have visited or something we feel a connection to. Aurum, Iceland’s leading jeweller prides itself on creating the most delicate and intricate jewellery designs representing their own unique story of ambition, understanding, responsibility, unity and mindfulness in relation to nature.

For those that hold a close relationship with nature, you share your passion with Guðbjörg Aurum’s designer, who’s joy lies in producing designs characterised by movement, finesse and balance, based around the Icelandic environment, to produce the most delicate pieces.

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