Tuttu is created from the hooves of Greenlandic reindeer and from silver. The black and white jewellery is soft and slightly ruffled, yet also pointed and sharp.

Tuttu is unique and the lines in the silver are rounded but definite. On the black and white textured surfaces you can detect a soft line that tells us a story about the reindeer’s adventures.

Tuttu statement necklace

In this blog post, our designer Guðbjörg speaks about her inspiration for the Tuttu Collection

When did you first get the idea for Tuttu? How long did it take to turn the concept into tangible jewellery designs?

I got a visit from an Icelandic farmer that lives in Greenland and owns lot of a reindeer there. He asked me if I could make some items out of the real reindeer hooves. That is how everything started.

The reindeer farmer had been throwing the hooves always before and wanted to make them useful.

Aurum Tuttu Collection necklace
I really liked the material and I use similar technique as when I am working with silver. The rawness and how the material itself tells the story about the reindeer adventure, when it goes around crawling into the ice for some food. The material has this delicate white line that tells stories.

How did you go about gaining feedback on the prototypes?

I got a great feedback because people think it is very unique to use this material for making jewelry. I am not aware of it having been done before.

Is it true that you used real reindeer hooves in order to study their texture and composition?

In the Tuttu Collection I am using the material of the hooves itself, blended with silver. These are special, bespoke pieces that we carry only in the store. Other items, which we offer in our online shop, are made in the spirit of the material but are constructed only from silver. When I designed the silver pieces I studied the rawness and the lines in the real reindeer hooves.

reindeer hooves greenland
In the nearest future I will be cooperating with the Icelandic reindeer farmers on a collection that will be just made out of the reindeer hooves.

Some highlights of the Tuttu Collection

Tuttu necklace and bracelet set by Aurum Icelandic Jewelry

Tuttu rings by Aurum Icelandic jewelry

Tuttu necklaces in Aurum jewelry boutique Reykjavik

Tuttu round necklace

See More of the Tuttu Collection
